24 November 2016

Flawed by Cecelia Ahern

I think it’s fair to say I’ve read all of Cecelia Ahern’s books. I remember first reading P.S. I love you on holiday and falling in love with the style of writing, the heart-breaking storyline and optimistic reality. Since then I’ve been hooked and they’ve been sat firmly on birthday lists or quickly downloaded onto my kindle. Flawed was no exception to this.

I believe Flawed is the first of Cecelia’s novels (yes, I’m going to pretend I’m on a first name basis) that’s been described as Young Adult, so I was intrigued and a little apprehensive. I’d just finished The Marble Collector and was in my own little Cecelia bubble that I didn’t want to pop. Once I’ve finished her books I always feel like I’m in a bubble of appreciating life, pondering how I can make the most of it and usually wanting to hug someone. So would it be any different in a different type of genre?

First let’s discuss plot. This story follows seventeen year old Celestine North who lives in a world where those who are considered flawed in some way, or have made some sort of moral mistake, gets trialled by The Guild and deemed flawed for the rest of their life. They get branded, and have to take on a different lifestyle to those considered ‘perfect’. Celestine is considered perfect, and is dating the son of The Guide’s top ‘judge’. Her life completely changed though when she makes a mistake and is deemed to be flawed.

The plot pulled me in as I think it’s so apt for our current reality. So many people are judged on social media if they make a mistake, or have a differing opinion to the mass, so this just takes it to the extreme. In terms of characters, I wasn’t a massive fan of Celestine to begin with, but as her story goes on she really does begin to grow on you and you really start to feel for her and what she’s going through. It tugs on the heart strings and really makes you think about the affect it has on someone when they’re told they’ve made a mistake or they’re wrong to think or behave the way they do.

The only thing I was a bit meh on is that I felt it took a while to really get going, and then as it did it finished – with a sequel in the works. It is a great story, but I felt like it was just really getting going when it ended so I’m not dying to read the next one. Even though it’s not out until March. I also think it has a touch of the Hunger Games to it in a way, just without the gore and children dying.

The book still holds all of Cecelia’s style that I love. It’s a thought provoking story, with heart breaking notes and the possibility of something really great. I did enjoy it, and I can’t wait to get my hands on the next one.

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