It is officially Autumn. The wardrobe has been swapped over, the heating is almost on, and the ankle boots are out in full force. This is 100% my favourite time of the year, so not only did I have to do some wallpapers to celebrate, I also had to do a whole week around autumn content! So let's pop a small pin in Florida for this week, and keep an eye across my Youtube and blog for autumn themed posts.
14 October 2019
The Wallpaper Diaries: Week 4 - Autumn
It is officially Autumn. The wardrobe has been swapped over, the heating is almost on, and the ankle boots are out in full force. This is 100% my favourite time of the year, so not only did I have to do some wallpapers to celebrate, I also had to do a whole week around autumn content! So let's pop a small pin in Florida for this week, and keep an eye across my Youtube and blog for autumn themed posts.
11 October 2019
Disney park number two, say hello to Hollywood Studios. Or MGM Studios as it used to be known when I came with my family 15 years ago. This was the park I thought would be Adam's favourite, and from memory was the most like a Universal park. However, it turned out to be our least favourite out of the three. Not because it sucks - because it doesn't, it's still amazing. It just wasn't our favourite.
9 October 2019
7 October 2019
4 October 2019
2 October 2019
Enter the most magical of all the Disney parks. When you think of Disneyworld you think of the castle, standing proud and tall and encompassing every childhood dream and feeling you ever had. That's how it feels when you see that castle for the first time, it's like a warm feeling that starts to fill you from the heart as you breathe in, and releases all the excitement as you breathe out. Ladies and gents, Disney's Magic Kingdom.
30 September 2019
Welcome to another week's worth of wallpapers! This collection definitely took me longer to do - but I played around more with colours, fonts and styles and I hope you love it! I decided this week's theme should be all-around fitness, helping motivate you either to get started, go and do some exercise or push you through a hard workout.
27 September 2019
Say hello to Universal's newest park - and it's a water one. When purchasing our tickets for Universal they had a deal where you bought your pass for the two main parks, and got the third free. Of course we went for this - and this freebie park ended up being one of our favourites from the whole holiday.
25 September 2019
THE TRAVEL DIARIES: Cabana Bay Resort & Universal CityWalk
Our trip to Orlando was a big one, and required a lot of planning and research to make sure we really made the most of our time, and also our money. We had an incredible trip, and although it did take a lot of time to organise it all it was 100% worth it. So I wanted to share my thoughts and tips on where we stayed, ate, visited over the next couple weeks so if anyones looking - they can use my experience. And where better to start, then where we stayed?
23 September 2019
I have loved quotes for as long as I can remember - how they can affect your mode or even shift your perception of something. When I'm down, or something is bothering me my best friend has always sent me quotes, and vice versa. My gallery wall is half quotes. When I'm struggling with something I look at quotes to motivate me. So why not have a quote as my phone's wallpaper?
17 September 2019
Get ready for a few Florida themed posts coming your way! I will try and spread them out with other content as much as possible, but I apologise in advance! I wanted to start with probably the easiest and quickest to put together out of all of them - my style diary from the trip. I have filmed them as well in a What I Wore style, so check that out as well - but for those who prefer it in written form...
2 September 2019
THE LIFE DIARIES: Exploring FriendsFest
Anyone who knows me is fully aware I am a huge Friends fan. You can't sit and watch and episode with me without me basically saying every line. It's just one of those shows that always makes you feel happy and makes you laugh. So when ComedyCentral first started doing their FriendsFest I was dying to go - but always missed the boat. This year however my lovely husband signed up for early access and voila! We got tickets straight away.
22 August 2019

I love food. It's no secret that it's my soul mate and it's an up and down relationship. We are getting to a good place though, don't you worry. Because of this relationship, I love going out for food and finding new places to try - so when I was invited to the new kid in town, The Dockyard, I knew I had to give it a go.
19 August 2019
Just warning you, you may hear and see quite a bit about my upcoming trip to Florida on here, my channel and my socials. I am very excited... Adam and I are going to Orlando Flordia in September over our Anniversary, but it's mainly to celebrate our 30th birthdays. We thought do we put on a big party for everyone, or go away and do something epic... Epic holiday won.
15 August 2019
12 August 2019
THE BEAUTY DIARIES: My Holiday Essentials
Be prepared for a few holiday-themed posts coming your way over the next few weeks... And here is a beauty-themed extravaganza. I feel like everyone has the must-have products that they can't travel without, whether it's long haul plane essentials, or hot weather make up musts. So here's some of mine...
22 July 2019
THE HOLIDAY DIARES: French Riviera 2019 - Where I Went
France is always one of my favourite places to visit. I've been so many times with my family over the years and I don't think I'll ever get bored of it. The French Riviera is well known, and places such as Saint Tropez, Cannes and Nice are hugely popular. However, we stayed just outside of the usual hyped areas and visited some beautiful places.
15 July 2019
THE HOLIDAY DIARIES: French Riviera 2019 - What I Wore
It's always depressing coming back from a lovely holiday, and being faced with reality. All those things you put on your to do list when you're back and suddenly you have to do them. So much fun. Something I did want to do while I was away was film a what I wore holiday edition, but to be honest - I didn't want to when I got out there. So I thought instead it'd be fun to do a round up of my outfits on here.
26 June 2019
THE LOCAL DIARIES: Kayaking in Summer

20 June 2019
THE BRUNCH DIARIES: Josie's in Bishop's Waltham
I've been debating about reviewing Josie's in my little brunch diaries series. Mainly because it's already popular, and I don't want other people to know about it because I always want a seat. It is my favourite brunch place, mainly for the pancakes. It's usually our stop on the way to a day at Marwell Zoo and it's amazing.
17 June 2019
THE LIFE DIARIES | Marwell Zoo's Brick-o-Saurs Event
Anyone who knows me, knows I love the zoo. I always have, and whenever we go anywhere new, chances are I'm going to drag that person to the zoo with me. Adam even took me to the zoo in London on the day he proposed. We actually live near a great zoo, and we usually go every year on my birthday and that's our annual visit. However, my in-laws very kindly got us an annual pass, so we've been visiting a lot more - and were incredibly excited when Marwell Zoo also launched their brick-o-saurs event.
13 June 2019
THE HEALTH DIARIES: Working with a Personal Trainer - FAQS
Today will mark my 6th session with my personal trainer, and it's definitely been an experience. Since telling people I signed up with a PT, I've had a few questions asked - and I also reached out on my socials to see if anyone had any questions and I had a few back. So for today, I thought I'd do a little FAQ post around my experience.
10 June 2019
THE LIFE DIARIES: A New Southsea Hangout
I always feel like I'm finding new gems in Southsea. I live outside of Portsmouth, so don't usually find myself wondering around and exploring - however, when I try somewhere new down there I'm generally in for a good surprise. So when I asked to head down the Scarlet Tap, a new bar in Palmerston Road, to try their menu, I picked up my bag and went exploring. I also took some of the fam with me.
3 June 2019
16 May 2019
THE LIFE DIARIES: A Weekend in Port Solent
Port Solent is many things to me. It's where we go for a last minute date night, it's where we go to see the latest film, where we pop for a relaxed lunch in the sun, and generally where my best friend and I go for our annual Christmas Eve lunch. However, not many people realise that amongst all the tasty restaurants and cute shops, there's an afternoon tea gem hiding.
14 May 2019
The Style Diaries | Spring '19 Trends - The Midi Length
I spent half a day swapping over my Winter wardrobe for my Spring items, and I feel like I'm vibing off my wardrobes so much more now. But as I was looking through my current wardrobe, and then did a little (a lot) of online browsing, I found some definite trends that were reoccurring across different high street brands, and my favourite style influencers, so I thought I would pop together a series of posts on my favourite trends, how I'd style them and where you can find the best pieces (in my opinion).
2 May 2019
The Health Diaires: Getting a Personal Training
I feel like I have always been one of those people that needs a stick shoved up their arse to get them to do anything remotely physical. Not literally, obviously, but it's true. My husband, and probably my Dad, will quite happily verify this. It's not that I don't enjoy it, it's just the will to get up and do something when my bed is so very warm and cosy. I've definitely gotten better, and I've certainly lost the majority of the weight I wanted to loose - but I just can't seem to get across that finish line.
15 April 2019
2 April 2019
LIFE | Working From Home - FAQS
Around two years ago I started working from home, as opposed to an office. It feels like yesterday, but also feels like I haven't ever known anything different. I will say this - this is probably the thing I get asked about the most with regards to my professional life. As soon as people hear I work from home, I get soooo many questions. So I thought I'd pop together a little post on the most frequently asked...
1 April 2019
ZoellaxColourpop Collab: My Top 3 Picks
Whenever a big collab, or collection comes out there's always a rush of people wanting to try absolutely everything, or wanting to know exactly what's worth the hype. The truth is, you're not going to get a true reflection on what's worth it straight away. However, I'm exactly the same - somehow I ended up buying the entire collection from Zoella's recent collab with Colourpop, but I have to say... Not all products were worth the rush.
29 March 2019
LIFE | Welcome to April Madness
So it's April on Monday, which means one thing ... Hello April Madness. What is April Madness? So, it's me being a loon and deciding to do a heap tonne of videos and posts throughout the month of April. Why, why you ask? If you even asked... Even so, I'll still tell you and explain what we're doing...
So, it's been a little while since I've even really done a blog post, and it's mainly because life is just being life. I've been doing videos, and it was about all I could handle at that moment with everything else going on. But, I have really missed writing and I feel so inspired to create lots of different content across both channels, as well as my social media (especially Instagram) that I just want to let it all go and experiment in April. Once that's done, I can then come up with a proper schedule and create content that not only I love, but you guys love it too.
So what can you expect from April madness?
I am going to be doing 5 videos a week, Monday to Friday. See - I'm insane. I've done a lot of prep already and filmed and edited a few, but I'm basically spending my lunch breaks at work and weekends filming and editing. Thankfully - I love it. Usually I focus on beauty on my channel, but there's going to be vlogs, style videos, food videos and so on. I'm so excited to try different types of video - especially style ones - and I can't wait to get your feedback and see how you respond to it as well. Video's will be going live at lunch time each day!
If you don't subscribe to my channel, just click here and hit that great bit red subscribe button.
I feel like my little blog has been somewhat neglected over the past year, but it was where I started and writing is what I love to do. So, we're bringing it back. And we're going 5 blogs a week, Monday - Friday as well. Told you - MADNESS. Again, we're going to be doing lots of different topics as I've always done on here and we'll be doing some more personal posts as well around PCOS, friendships and so on, so I'm excited. I'm also quite excited to get back into taking photos for the blog, I always feel like they're never good enough - but I need to remember this is for fun. Not to get stressed! Blog posts will be going live in the evenings.
I love Instagram, it's where I spend most of my time on my phone and I love taking photos. But - I want to do more stuff on stories, and be a bit more regular with my photos as well. Sharing more of my beauty looks, outfits and such. So - I will be more regular with posting on there too, which will be good! I don't have a specific schedule, but definitely go and follow me on there if you don't already as I will be sharing behind the scenes photos and such from filming and blogging etc.
You can find my profile here!
And then... at the end of April Madness I'll be doing a giveaway to say thank you for all the support over the month - so stayed tuned and make sure you subscribe on YT and follow me on Instagram to be able to enter!
And there we go! Are you excited? I'm scared, and excited. Let me know if there's anything specific you want to see on any of the channels, and I'll work them into April madness.
Thanks for all
10 January 2019
The Brunch Diaries: Bread Addiction
Brunch is one of those meals I feel like people love to love, but always feels a little bit like a luxury. Do you have it for breakfast, or lunch, or both? I love a good brunch. It's quite possibly one of my favourite meals, so I'm very excited to set out on a mission to find some of the best brunch spots in my area - or wherever I am on the weekend!
7 January 2019
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