6 January 2017

The Harper Connelly Series by Charlaine Harris

I absolutely love books, they're the perfect way to unwind and escape the real world. And more than anything, I love a good series that I can really get into.

I read this series by Charlaine Harris year's ago after falling in love with the Sookie Stackhouse Series (also know as the True Blood series), but I recently reread them and just fell all over again. I knew I had to share it. The series follows Harper Connelly, a young woman who was struck by lightening when she was in her teens and can find those who've died and relives their final moments. She travels America with her step-brother, Tolliver, making a living off helping loved ones discover how their family member died, and ultimately bringing closure. There are four books in total, focusing on four different specific cases.

In the first instalment, Grave Sight, Harper travels to a small town where she's employed to find the body of a teenage girl who went missing at the same time her boyfriend was murdered. Her discovery leads to more questions and a full on mystery. A couple more people end up dead, Tolliver ends up in jail and Harper's life is threatened. It's such a good introduction to all of the mysteries. Harper is darker than Sookie, and her relationship with Tolliver hooks you in. It's a good little murder mystery to get into.  

I absolutely love the second book, Grave Surprise. It's a great follow on, but in this book Harper finds the body of a missing girl who she failed to find a couple years earlier. Both Harper and Tolliver fall under suspicion, so set out to clear their names and get fully entangled in solving the murder. I just loved the twist and turns of this one, you get to know both Harper and Tolliver so much more and their relationship builds. I was so addicted to this one, I remember the first time I read it I was so anti-social, and this time I was exactly the same. You feel a lot more involved in their lives by this point I felt.

The third book I found so creepy. The whole series is quite dark, but this goes onto a whole other level. In An Ice Cold Grave Harper & Tolliver go to find one missing teenage boy, and soon discover he's the most recent of many to go missing - all classified as runaways. But then they find eight bodies buried in frozen grounds. As they go to leave, Harper is attacked and forced to stay and again, becomes entangled in the mystery. Her relationship with Tolliver takes a new turn, but the entire book is just chilling.

The fourth, and final installment, is very close to their heart. Harper's sister went missing when they were teenagers, and they've never found out what happened to her. Initially in Grave Secret, they're hired to find out how someone died in a wealthy Texan family, but it turns out there's a connection to her missing sister and they find themselves on the trail and finally get closure. This is my second favourite, I really do love it and for the reader it was good to find out what actually happened, and it' completely unexpected. 

I loved the Sookie Stackhouse books, but these are just as good - in a very different way. Harper is a lot darker, and a lot more scared from her years. I would highly recommend it if you like a little intrigue and a little darkness. 

Much love, Lisa May

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